Counselling Department
1. Jeevodaya Counselling Centre cum Alcoholic de-addiction centre
* Family Counselling
* School Counselling
Community Developement Department
2. Women Empowerment through Women -
* Livelyhood Programme - muttagramam project
3. Self Help Groups for Women, Elderly & Widows
4. SARATHY - A Helpline For Drivers
5. Alcoholic Anonimous Group
6. Chavara Women Welfare Centre
* Tailoring, Training for tailoring, Craft Work, Host Making Unit(Mass Vestament, Altarlace,Crown)
7. Carmelgram - Bag Tailoring Unit
8. Housing project
Community Health
9. Home Palliative Care
10. Paraplegia - Group of Caregivers Of the Partially Paralysed People
*Self Employment Training Programme
11. CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation for Disability)
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